The last part of project 3 had us revisit the first 2 projects we worked on, WeSplit and GuessTheFlag game. I refreshed my memory on how to do these changes by reviewing the previous day’s topics.

In WeSplit, our task was to add a conditional text color of red if the user selected a 0% tip. Here’s the code I used to accomplish this by adding the conditional foregroundStyle. All in all, fairly straight forward.

Section("Total check amount + tip"){
    Text(grandTotal, format: .currency(code: Locale.current.currency?.identifier ?? "USD"))
    .foregroundStyle(tipPercentage == 0 ? .red : .black)

For the GuessTheFlag game, we were tasked to create a FlagImage view that included the modifiers currently in use. Here’s how I did this. I added the following struct:

struct FlagImage: View {
    var flag: String
    var body: some View {
        .shadow(radius: 5)

I then used it by replacing the Image with FlagImage when building out the list of flags:

ForEach(0..<3) { number in
    Button {
    } label:{
        FlagImage(flag: countries[number])

The final task was to create a custom ViewModifier to create a large, blue font that could be used to show a prominent title in a view. Here’s how I accomplished this:

struct BlueHeaderFont: ViewModifier {

    func body(content: Content) -> some View {

extension View {
    func blueHeader() -> some View {

I envoked this custom ViewModifier by chaining the extension as part of Text:

Text("Hello, world!")

Here’s the final result of the custom view modifier:

large blue header text